Self-management and bleeds hero

Self-management and bleeds

Self-management and bleeds

Reducing joint pain and the chance of bleeds may help you feel better and live your life with fewer limitations.
Explore the below to see how you can strive for a life where haemophilia may have less impact on your health
and well-being.

Reimagine your story

Reimagine your story

Learn more about the importance of protection from bleeds, engage in collaborative discussions with your multidisciplinary care team, and set personal goals
to help you reimagine your haemophilia story.

Meet a haematologist

Dr Pratima Chowdary is a consultant in the 
Haemophilia Centre at the Royal Free Hospital 
in London. Here, she gives some advice for 
people with haemophilia and their families.

Meet a haematologist
Exploring boundaries

Exploring the boundaries
of independence with

In this video, Anders, a 14-year-old
with severe haemophilia A, talks about
growing up with haemophilia and how it
has impacted his hobby of dance.

My experience of travelling and working with haemophilia

Growing up, James Gorman was often 
worried about how his haemophilia might 
impact his ability to travel the world.
Discover how he overcame those fears.

Travelling experience
Treatments knowledge

Haemophilia treatments – everything you need to know

Four short animations to help you and your family understand more about the sometimes confusing aspects of haemophilia.

Infographic: Finding the right haemophilia treatment for you

Drawing from the latest research publications on the possibilities for personalised haemophilia care, our infographic includes tips on how to discuss key aspects of your care with your doctor when finding the best treatment option for you.
