My care

My care

My care

Knowing how to get the most out of interactions with your healthcare team can help you achieve what you want from your care. Here's our guide.

Making the most of every haemophilia appointment

Get tips on how to make the most of
your appointments with your haemophilia
healthcare team.

Making the most of every haemophilia appointment
Discussion tips for haemophilia

Discussion tips for haemophilia

Read through some discussion tips
that may be useful when talking to
your doctor about haemophilia.

Deciding what you want from haemophilia treatment

Advice on how to decide, and share 
with your healthcare team, what matters 
most to you about your haemophilia treatment.

Deciding what you want from haemophilia treatment
Turning your thoughts into questions for your doctor

Turning your haemophilia thoughts into questions for your doctor

Here are some suggestions on how 
to talk with your doctor about 
what’s on your mind about haemophilia.

appointment checklist

View our checklist to help
you prepare for your next
haemophilia appointment.

Haemophilia appointment checklist
Your haemophilia care team

Your haemophilia care team

Understand the roles of the
experts who care for people
with haemophilia.

Exploring the boundaries 
of independence with 
haemophilia – Meri

In this video Meri, the mother of 
Anders a 14-year-old with severe 
haemophilia A, talks about Anders' 
growing independence around his condition.

Meri – Exploring the boundaries of independence with haemophilia
Blog - Tips to take control of your haemophilia

Take control 
of your haemophilia

James Gorman, a 30-year old with severe
haemophilia A, blogs on how people who
live with haemophilia bring unique knowledge
that should shape the care they receive.

Podcast: Learning how to optimise haemophilia care after diagnosis

Axelle, Paul and Rich discuss learning to manage haemophilia after diagnosis, their self-management experience and how they took control of the condition.

Learning how to optimise haemophilia