Work and careers for people with haemophilia

Work and careers for people with haemophilia

Work and careers for people with haemophilia

Today, with the advancements in haemophilia care, people living with haemophilia can have happy and fulfilling careers in different sectors, roles, trades and professions. 

While it’s important to take into consideration your medical condition, it’s also important to know that diverse career opportunities await you. So let’s get started on the road to find a career that brings you joy and satisfaction.

The professional world is at your feet!

Congratulations! You just got an interview for the job you dreamt of. Now the big question…

To tell or not to tell?

You might not need to share anything about your condition if it does not affect your responsibilities and day-to-day tasks. If you do, however, wish to tell your employer, this is completely fine as well. 

If your haemophilia will not affect your performance at work, then keeping it to yourself is totally acceptable. Later, once you have settled in work, you may want to share with your colleagues.

Thinking ahead

If you need specific first aid in case of a severe injury, this should be disclosed to your employer as it will help prepare those who can assist you in emergency situations.

Know your rights

Rights and laws vary from country to country, therefore it’s important to know workplace rights, rules and best practices in your country. 

A little research can help you feel prepared and protected for your interview and in your new workplace.

Your time to shine

In your interview, focus on yourself and the tasks of the potential job position. HR managers may ask questions about health or restrictions to see if the tasks of the position fit you. In some countries, employers are not allowed to ask you about your health. In either situation, you are not required to specify your condition unless you feel it will affect your work.

You may want to consider in advance of your interview what you feel the employer should know about your condition, if anything, such as required absences for treatment or adjustments required to the workplace, but it’s up to you. You may want to emphasize how well you have been able to live and work with the condition so far, but the most important thing is to focus on your qualifications for the position.

Think positive

An important last tip… do not get discouraged. The best way to get a job is to get out there – keep handing out your CV and keep connecting with people.

The process of finding the right position, for everyone, can take time. So, keep at it and know that the right job is waiting for you.

Download ‘My Voice, My Care’ to understand how to get the most out of conversations with your care team.