Emotional wellbeing
Haemophilia may have an emotional and psychological impact as well as a physical one. Here's how to cope when times are challenging.
Haemophilia and
your mental health
Living with haemophilia can lead
to mental health and emotional challenges.
Here are some things to think about that
might help you through the difficult days.

Gaining independence
with haemophilia
Matty Minshall, a 23-year old with severe
haemophilia A, talks about his haemophilia
and how it has affected his involvement
in cheerleading and other sports.
Meet a haemophilia psychologist
Ana Torres Ortuño, a psychologist, works with
people with haemophilia for the Murcia Regional
Haemophilia Association in Spain. Find out what
she has to say about how psychologists
support people with the condition.

Podcast: Living with haemophilia
in young adulthood
In Episode 3 of our
Connectors’ Podcast, Jay and Rich
discuss home life and mental health.